Friday, January 7, 2011

Phillips Breast Pumps Review

If you are considering a Philips breast pump then you're making a good choice. Now allow me to help you get a good price.

Click here to get your favorite Philips breast pump at the best prices online!

When I started researching breast pumps I was really impressed by the reviews on all of the different Philips pumps. Even the manual pump gets a great review and I don't think I've ever heard anybody say that they love their manual pump! Wow!

The most unique part of a Philips pump is the massage cushion. On any pump, manual or electric, the massage cushions have five petal-shaped pads that flex in and out as the pump is working. This massages the entire area of the breast similar to what an infant would do in order to stimulate let-down.
Equally as important as stimulating let-down, these cushions make this the most comfortable, pain-free pump to use. I heard several women saying that they had painful experiences with other pumps and then when they switched to a Philips pump it was not longer painful to pump! Awesome!

If you can't afford to splurge for an electric pump then you might want to check out Philips Manual Breast Pump...

Click Here to get the Philips Avent ISIS Manual Breast Pump

It really is not often that you hear women saying that using their manual breast pump is a walk in the park. I was really surprised by all of the rave reviews on this one. If I were to get a manual pump I would definitely go with this one.

Philips Avent bottles are BPA-free. In case you've been living under a rock, BPA is a chemical used in plastics. It is very toxic to you and especially to your baby.

If you can't use glass then you absolutely want bottles that are BPA-free. Keep that in mind for all of your baby products made of plastic.

Click Here Now to check out all the Philips breast pumps at the best prices online!


Amazon has always been one of my favorite online shopping spots. Now, they have outdone themselves!

Recently they started a program called Amazon Mom. It is completely free and you just sign up with a very simple online form. They don't hound you with solicitations. It's stress free.

After that you are eligible for a ridiculous discount on a huge selection of diapers and wipes on their autoship program called Subscribe and Save. Have you ever seen a 30% off sale at your local store??? I sure haven't. And there are no coupons that can compete with that. You get 30% off every month, month after month!

Now don't let the autoship thing scare you. It is what makes this so convenient and easy. If something comes up and you need to change the date or cancel an order or change the funding source it is very easy. It's all right there in your account.

Now wait!! It gets even better than that......FREE DELIVERY! Yes, free delivery and 30% off the cost of the diapers!!! Awesome!!!

God, I love Amazon!

You really should hurry up and sign up for this before Amazon realizes how crazy they are for doing this!!!!!!!
30% OFF and FREE SHIPPING!!!?????

If you want to read more about it go to my site BABY DIAPERS ONLINE and find out the details.